?Google Play Movies Download Movie The Batman

The Batman ∫Google Play Movies



/ info: The plot is unknown / Actor: Robert Pattinson / Country: USA

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Download movie the batman 3. The lego batman movie download. Download movie the batman game. Download movie batman 1989. Although my average rating of all the Marvel and DC movies I have ever seen is the same (6. 7/10), I have always been more inclined to the DC universe. This film only reinforced my position. I can not say that this is the best superhero movie so far for the simple reason that it"s hard for me to put it into that genre at all. While Marvel flicks are mostly shallow action movies sprinkled with humor, and DC films keep the two-dimensional comics atmosphere, here we have a completely new approach, the complexity and depth of a serious drama. Batman Begins, as name suggests, brings the detailed origins and genesis of this superhero and gives background to everything we"ve been watching about him so far. All that we took for granted in previous versions, because it was vaguely hinted or not explained at all, here it is elaborated to the tiniest detail, thoroughly and rationally. Drama of Bruce"s loss of parents, his growing up, inner struggles, how he acquired the skills he possesses, what kind of devices allow him to move and fight and how he got them, everything is clearly and thoroughly explained, which completely demystifies Batman. That"s why I think that Nolan"s Batman is too realistic to be considered a superhero movie. I wonder how much this action thriller with drama elements is even faithful to comic-book it"s based on... From a technical point of view this movie is excellent. Camera and directing are great and in combination with scenography and music they create very serious and dark atmosphere. The cast is top-notch. Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Gary Oldman and Rutger Hauer are names that guarantee flawless performance. Still, although I love Katie Holmes, and I consider Christian Bale one of the best actors of today, in my opinion two of them do not fit into the atmosphere of this film at all. Katie leaves the impression as if you put single actress in color technique into black and white movie. I can not pin any flaws to her, it"s just that her appearance and charisma simply stick out from the rest of the movie. At the other hand, Bale as Batman is just fine, but as Bruce Wayne I think he"s pretty much a failure. The story itself is excellent, not completely linear, yet not too tangled, with a good characterization and sequence of events without holes and illogicality. My only complaint is predictability. I suppose that the discovery of the main villain, who is working on the destruction of the Gotham from the shadows, should have been a surprise, but it was clear who it was from the very beginning. Still, the absence of a surprise factor in this case does not have too much effect on overall strength of the film. 8, 5/10 P. S. I"m only sorry that Katie saved Joffrey back in 2005. Because if she killed the little bastard back then, he wouldn"t grow up to terrorize Westeros six years later. :D.

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